videos that get results

our videographer's latest reel.

We make kick-ass videos to promote your brand, sing out your testimonials, show off your products – and CONVERT! Choose Chalk n’ Cheese as your video production team for compelling advertising that breaks through the noise! Are you looking for exciting video production services in Auckland? Well, hey! You’ve landed in the right place! Here at Chalk n’ Cheese Digital, our team of marketers put together captivating videos to use online across tonnes of platforms! Our videos grab potential customers and generate actual results for our clients. They’re not just pretty moving pictures! They serve a real purpose! If you are on the hunt for some real conversion-focused videos to show off your brand and get seen on the larger media stage – get in touch with us today!

our video making process

Video production services in Auckland by Chalk n Cheese Digital

the brief

In the beginning, there was a brief!

We work with you to figure out what you would like to achieve with your video and put that information into a concise brief. This brief will guide our decisions!

the concept

The thinking room.

Our team puts our collective heads together to concept how to effectively achieve the brief – and translate it onto the big screen!

the story board

Ooo pictures…

Our designers come up with the story of your video, frame by frame – so you can see exactly what we would plan to shoot and how your video would flow! 

the script

Putting words in our mouth.

Here’s where our copywriter comes up with the words to grab attention, make ‘em think, turn heads and convert clicks!

the shoot

The big show!

After all the storyboard elements, script and concepts have come together – it’s time to shoot this bad boy! With a cast or products at the ready, we get to work on capturing your video!

the editing

Leave it on the cutting room floor…

The bits we don’t need – that is! We carefully sort through all of the footage and piece together your final video for you to view. Here, we will make tweaks to get it perfect. Then it’s all yours.

How can a video help my business?

A picture can say a thousand words, especially when it’s the right picture with the right words to accompany it. A video is a dynamic way to get your brand seen on a larger stage, hold attention for longer and convert potential prospects into real customers. If your video gets promoted correctly on the right channels, it becomes a brand must-have that can help boost your leads and sales.

Ask us for the proof!

Why choose Chalk n’ Cheese Digital to produce your video production?

We bring marketing expertise to the table so that your video isn’t a waste of advertising space – it is there to achieve actual results for your brand. (Which is the whole point, isn’t it?) We’ve got a lot of experience in turning videos into an attention-grabbing creative variation for our ad campaigns – not to mention a lot of creative juice flowing around to make yours stand out! Our Chalk n’ Cheese team makes sure that no stone goes unturned when it comes to finding your prospective customers! We do this by creating videos that speak to your desired customer, appealing to their interests and pain points – and getting them engaged in your business!

Talk to us about how we can turn your videos into measurable results.