lead generation & ecommerce ads

are you on the hunt for a facebook marketing expert?

With 2.5 million people actively using Facebook every month, it's no wonder that businesses turn to Facebook to market their products and services. Accessing such a massive customer base should definitely be on your urgent 'to do' list to stay on top of the competition. What are you waiting for?

Screenshot 8 Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021

Types of Facebook ads we like to work with

Facebook is not only popular because of its large consumer base, it is also popular due to its ingenious use of marketing features that benefit businesses trying to find their ideal client list. Even if you don’t opt to pay for Facebook ads, the ability to link directly to your website from any Facebook content is a ridiculously handy feature. People click once and they are on your website, and potentially go on to buy your services. The easier it is for a customer to get to you, the easier it will be to turn conversions into sales. Customers don’t want to have to work hard to find the services they want to purchase, so make it as easy as humanely possible for them to take the actions you want them to. Facebook has allowed seamless movement between their platform and the websites of businesses, making it EASY for their users, you won’t know how much that benefits your brand until you try it!


Lead generation is the process of building interest in your products or services by reaching more people, and allowing them to fill in a mostly auto-filled ‘Instant Form’ with their contact information and some answers to customised questions you, the business owner, can request of them. This can include asking for their emails in exchange for a coupon that will be directly sent to them (because who doesn’t love free stuff and a good discount?)

Customers who are interested in your products or services are willing to part with their email addresses in exchange for free stuff and other things that benefit them. Seems like a fair trade, but it’s actually geared to work in your favour. You now have those email addresses. For one trade-off offer, you now have untapped access to a potential buyer. That means that you can warm these prospects up gently to turn ‘almost customers’ into real ones with carefully directed and targeted email marketing. Customers that willingly give their contact details are much more open to being sold to, and your only job now is to break down barriers of resistance that stopped them from buying in the first place and convincing them to make the next move. They are already one step in the door; great email campaigns will drive them right up to the cashier. This careful use of lead generation ads and subsequent marketing allows you to catalogue a large list of interested customers (generated leads) and put products they want in front of them without even really trying. Ka-ching, people. 

Interested customers = viable sales leads.

Someone who doesn’t need your services will not get this far in the process and therefore are removed from the potential pool of people you will be contacting further. Easy!


Ecommerce ads are specifically designed to for generating online sales. 

If you have an online store and you are leveraging Facebook’s ecommerce ad platform then you’re very likely leaving money on the table. Facebook ads are the new school tv adverts of the world but instead of showing your ads at a certain time of the day it works much smarter to deliver your ads to the right potential buyers.

Utilising Facebook’s pixel,  Facebook will tag anyone who has purchased from your site and thereafter goes hunting to go put your ad in front of similar people.

Types of Facebook ad formats do we like to work with

With more than 1,300 targeting options, 15 objectives, 6 main ad formats to choose from – it is not surprising that Facebook ads can look startling to business owners. Without a professional team handling the best combinations of the above for your business, your ad strategy will probably be a little lackluster. Facebook has created three types of Facebook ad objectives that act as a guide for your goals. They all serve a different purpose and fall into these categories: awareness, consideration, and conversions. Based on where you are at with contacting your customers, building awareness, building consideration, or creating conversions – your ads can intelligently target the customers depending on where they sit in the marketing funnel. Within those 3 main objectives are 15 more micro-objectives. So as you can see, it’s a pretty in-depth and impressive process. 


The collection format features multiple products & opens up as an Instant Experience when a customer interacts with your ads. Your customers can discover products using their phones in an immersive and visual way.

Instant Experience

Instant experience gives you a full-screen experience that opens after someone finds your ad from a mobile device. Creating a direct experience can visually highlight your products, brand, and services.

Dynamic Product Ads

Facebook’s dynamic product ads are quite similar to many other dynamic ads. They can automatically promote your products for those people who have already expressed interest in your website. They are mainly used for retargeting.


Slideshows combine videos, images, text, and sound. You can up to ten images or one video in a slideshow ad.


Adding some movement can make them more attention-grabbing in a busy News Feed.


Carousel ads can showcase more than 12 pictures & videos in one single ad, each tile even comes with it’s own link.

Check out our work!

Acco storage Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
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GVC 3 Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
GVC 4 Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
GVC Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
Massey Housing 2 Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
Massey Housing Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
OxyAir 2 Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
OxyAir 3 Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
Chalk n Cheese Digital April 5, 2021
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facebook probably knows what you ate for breakfast

building a solid social strategy.

If you are looking for a strong, carefully-crafted and personalised plan to get your brand moving in the direction you need it to, then you are in the right place! To get the conversions you want, we use the following Facebook marketing features and benefits to quickly start seeing the desired results.

quality leads through a sales funnel approach

the pros and cons of facebook ads.

Just like all paid ad platforms, Facebooks ads can easily become a money pitt if you don’t know what you are doing. Leads can easily become poor quality and sale conversion campaigns can easily cost quite a lot per sale. The benefit of using an agency to run your ads is that you have to spend less time trialing what works and what doesn’t.

build your database & get new customers

getting started with facebook ads.

Now that you know what to expect, what are the next steps to get this ball rolling? Below is a very basic step-by-step outline of what comes next, so that you understand the process every step of the way when setting up your business on Facebook!

After making sure that your business logo and the cover picture is to spec and looks great on your new page, it’s time to get writing! The page needs to include all of the important information clearly in the info tabs, and be really obvious about what services it is that you are selling so your viewers don’t have to work very hard to find out if they are in the right place. You have the option of adding your opening hours, link to your website, location, and of course – how to get in contact with you. Using the skills of a clever copywriter here will make sure your brand language is sharp, attention-grabbing, and includes all of the keywords required so that search engines can find you!

Posting regularly, at least 3 times a week, to begin with, is a step that has to be planned and coordinated so that you don’t end up spamming your customers with the same information over and over. It can be hard to know what to say first, without spilling it all at once and having nothing to say later. The goal here is to pique interest, keep the content quality, and get people engaging with your content and wanting to learn more. Deciding on what you want to say first is the hard part, but it becomes organic and easier as time goes on. Again, the use of professional content and/or copywriters can help optimise your posts.

Utilising the advertising features of Facebook such as sponsored Facebook ads, auto-scheduling, CTA buttons and fully using the Facebook Ads analytics service so you can start measuring the popularity and results of your posts.

Now that you have a working online business, you have to keep creating new content to keep it going. Measuring the results, the highs, and the lows of any campaign that is run through your Facebook marketing gives you insight on how to better engage with your potential customers. Even the slightest of adjustments can have a large impact on your results.



If you've never run facebook ads before here's some questions which may have popped up.

“I wish there was a huge social platform that could easily identify my target audience, and reach them with effective campaigns that have proven results!”

Whoever yelled that, we’ve got you covered.

Because there is a platform that can do all of those things! Facebook is the most universally used online platform for connecting with others, so it is the place that your business absolutely needs to be! There’s more to creating a booming online business than posting a few pics or ads to your business’s Facebook account, a structured gameplan needs to be designed specifically for you and then executed with flare.

Our social media experts at Chalk n’ Cheese are your go-to team to create your Facebook persona and plan, making sure that you get all the opportunities this gigantic market has to offer. Whatever size your business is, or whatever industry you work in, Facebook has a targeted demographic just waiting to hear about you.

Our Digital Marketing Agency has over 15 years of experience running business campaigns, creating brands, and managing the marketing for businesses all over the country, big and small. Facebook marketing is just one of the many tools on our tool belt that you can have expert access to when choosing us as your marketing partner. You need a team that is passionate about your success, works transparently so that you can see where your investment is going and, most importantly, delivers results via your Facebook marketing. Here at Chalk n’ Cheese, we stay on top of the latest Facebook updates, sales strategies, content trends and come up with creative plans to make sure your business gets seen by the right clients to boost your conversions.

We are an easy-going bunch of people with a lot of expertise between us, so you can rest assured that your business is in safe hands! We ensure that your marketing investments are properly taken care of and offer all the assistance you require to boost your brand online. Whether you need to improve your e-commerce business, build your brand awareness, create effective and attractive Facebook campaigns, or any other service relating to the marketing of your brand, we are the one-stop-shop for all your digital marketing needs. We offer very affordable short and long term contracts with great benefits, all completely customised to your requirements. No frills attached! (Unless you want them, of course.)

Get in touch with a member of our specialist team and find out how we can help your business with Facebook marketing today!

There are many reasons to join the 3 million business advertising on Facebook right now, besides the obvious audience size of over 1 BILLION daily active users.

The Targeting Features – The limit to the targeting features of Facebook ads almost doesn’t exist. Businesses can zone in on ideal users based on their locations, demographics, behaviours, age, gender and the list actually goes on!

The Opportunity of Time Spent – We just have to look at ourselves to know how much time people spend on social networks, most people spend a lot of time browsing and scrolling during the day. The average social media user spends roughly 50 minutes on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram every single day. That’s a lot of potential time to get in front of your client base!

With that aside, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of Facebook advertising.

Talk to us about your next Facebook Ads needs!

Our team of Facebook Marketing Advertising experts have ranked hundreds of competitive keywords on Google’s top result page. We specialise in tailoring campaigns to support your business goals within the wider marketing framework, and will work closely with you each step of the process. We create powerful Facebook Marketing Advertising strategies that will generate results. Enhance your marketing strategy by appearing in front of the people who actually want to know about your business. Find them today with our help!