email marketing specialists in auckland
Email marketing is just spam, right? Wrong! Email campaigning is still one of the most effective and authentic ways to make a connection with your clients to keep your business thriving. It turns into spam if you do not put any effort into it, or don’t have a strategy that feels human, instead of a robot bashing about in their inboxes. Staying in touch with your customers, future, past, and present is vital in order to keep those customers from forgetting about you and your services. Today, email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing strategies that keep potential and past customers updated with everything that you are offering. Chalk n’ Cheese is one of the Auckland experts on the matter and can help you with results-driven email marketing solutions.
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Delivering a well-structured email marketing strategy for your business.
Past customers are just as important as potential customers and are more likely to purchase products from you again. Regularly contacting past and future customers with offers to better their experience with you builds a long-lasting. profitable relationship. It’s important to stay relevant and not to fade away into obscurity, and it’s as easy as implementing an email marketing plan to stay in touch with them.
Staying at the forefront of their minds, even just to say hello with a cheeky little coupon attached, helps you to build trust and awareness with all of your customers.
It always proves beneficial for regular contacting them to ensure you are at the forefront of their mind and develop a position of authority and trust in the market.
the first steps
There are many ways you can get started with email marketing. See below some of the common ones:
It’s quite simple to start collecting potential leads right away. Even without an email marketing service in place, you can begin building your email list of potential clients and reach out to leads.
This is where you choose a digital partner, like Chalk N Cheese, to help design, organise and maintain your email marketing strategy and to make it grow. Whether you want a simple automated solution or a much more personalised approach, our team is experienced in boosting your sales through email connections with your clients and are happy to go through all of your options so that you can make an informed decision.
Identifying what your customers are interested in means you can start figuring out what kind of content they want to see and what is of use to them. By providing them with relevant content and offers, you are more likely to start building long-lasting connections through personalised engagement with your clients! Everyone appreciates customised service, so get customising!
It’s all very well and good paying for tons of advertising to create awareness of your products, and then shoving them out in front of people. You’ll probably even get some sales this way – sure. Here at Chalk n Cheese, we believe creating awareness of a brand and its products are much more involved than that.
Brands are not just businesses, brands are an idea. Brands encapsulate an ideal that our customers want to strive for, a bigger picture than just a product or service. When you create a business, you choose what you’re selling. When you create a brand, you create the ideal that your products help make a reality. For example, if you want mothers to buy your products aimed at children, you have to sell the idea that by buying these particular products she will become the best mother she can possibly be, and is giving her child the best start in life. It’s a bigger picture than just getting her to buy a sippy cup that her child will 100% throw at the floor more than once.
Building awareness of your brand is making sure you know what your brand is first and what you want it to stand for. By knowing what makes your brand tick, you can target the customers you think will most benefit from being affiliated with your brand’s ideals.
Using email marketing to share relevant imagery, blog content, and useful assets with your potential customers is an important way to keep that awareness growing for your brand. Couple this with advertising across different platforms and you’re onto a winner. Regular promotion of content is key to keeping your future customers interested and ready to buy now.
Enticing your audience and subscribers to provide their personal information in exchange for something they find valuable via email marketing is a nifty little trick. In exchange for a coupon, maybe they need to answer 3 simple shopping preference questions, completely customisable so you can ask the questions you need answering. Once you have snippets of information from your potential clients, you have leads to work with, and insight on how to pitch products to them.
Using email marketing to share relevant imagery, blog content, and useful assets with your potential customers is an important way to keep that awareness growing for your brand. Couple this with advertising across different platforms and you’re onto a winner. Regular promotion of content is key to keeping your future customers interested and ready to buy now.
Before you press send on that email, make sure you are double-checking that there is something in it for your customer. Nurturing them means taking care of them, looking after their best interests, and giving them something they want. The more you entertain, educate, and delight your list of email leads, the more likely they are to trust you and want to invest in your brand.

An email marketing strategy that works
There are many options when it comes to choosing an email marketing strategy. Deciding what best suits your business can sometimes get a bit overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be, let’s take a look at some of the critical strategies that can help you build a robust and exciting email campaign that will engage with your customers the way you want it to. Each customer receives more than 120 emails every day. Developing an excellent strategy will keep your mail from getting drowned out in a busy inbox or sent to their spam folder. See additonal steps to be considered below:
Defining your audience means narrowing it down so that you only have to deal with the relevant email addresses belonging to those who might actually be interested in the services you are offering. As for all marketing, a good strategy starts with identifying the correct audience.
Gathering some context can help here. Researching the average stats means you can use it as a benchmark for achieving your goals. Making short term goals and long term goals mean you can gradually grow your outreach and react to the results of the short term goals, implementing changes if necessary to achieve that long term one.
Before you can start an email marketing campaign, you need people to email, right?
You don’t need to be discouraged if only have few of the people on the list, to begin with. There are creative solutions to building your email network, such as advertising on other platforms and offering coupons that require an email address to be entered for the code to be directly emailed to them. That is just one of many, many ways to solve the ‘no one to call’ problem.
It can take some time to build a full, flourishing database. In the interim, treat every single subscriber like a valued customer you can’t afford to lose, and you will start to see the email list increasing naturally.
We’ve narrowed down some commonly used email campaigns to give you an idea of what to expect to choose from.
- The Welcome Email Series
- The Standard Promotional Campaign
- The Seasonal Campaign
- The Triggered Email Series
- The Post-Purchase Campaign
- The Connect-via-social Campaign
- The Newsletter
- The Cart Abandonment Campaign
- The Re-Engagement Campaign
Timelines, timelines, timelines. We’ve said it three times because they are that important. Planning a schedule around how often you are going to contact your list, when you are going to do follow-ups, and what is included in each of these stages is crucial to making sure your potential buyers don’t find your services elsewhere. Be consistent, be regular, and become unforgettable.
As a marketer, you need to measure everything. Being careful about every fundamental metric will help you make small but necessary changes to your email marketing list that can produce great results. Without measuring, you will not be able to pinpoint where you need to make changes to fully optimise your campaign efforts.
Strategy planning
Email marketing is still one of the best ongoing trends in the digital world, and you need someone on board your campaign who knows it inside and out. Chalk n Cheese is an Auckland based email marketing service provider, specialising in strategic planning, design, implementation, HTML coding, production, integration, and deliverability to help you build a real world-class email marketing campaign to be proud of. Our all-in-one approach to email marketing services includes everything you need to run a successful email marketing campaign that bears obvious results. See a list here of some of our services that you can expect
Promotional emails that work
Easy signup process to grow
Effective calls to action
Spam-free email marketing
Email campaign productions
Cost-effective service
Email data integration
Migration management
Email planning and strategy
List segmentation and cleanups
Stunning marketing automation
Analytics and reporting
Platform evaluation and selection
Create an eye catching newsletter
Custom email templates design and development
Engaging content creation and copywriting
If this is your first time considering email marketing, then you've probably got a few questions.
You can’t merely win their hearts by sending greeting cards to your clients, and that’s a teeny bit old-fashioned these days. Email marketing is an accessible and useful marketing strategy that reaches all of your online customers, and when emails are given willingly, it’s non-invasive and a welcome correspondence. Useful and informative marketing emails can convert a new client into potential customers and turn a one-time buyer into loyal, committed fans. Email marketing is the act of targeting customers through a commercial message with the goal being to increase customer loyalty, drive sales, and communicate essential information. Modern email marketing is based on the principles of segmentation, consent, and personalisation.
With a system known for its very high return on investment, it’s no wonder businesses are flocking for email marketing services in Auckland. The average agency price for email marketing starts from $300 to $1,000 per month. You get what you pay for, and experts in email marketing know exactly how to create lead magnets to offer value to your customers in exchange for their email addresses, which opens up a potential life-long conversation that profits both of you. These packages are customisable, so get in touch and see just how much your business could expect to spend – and get back in return.
Modern privacy laws and third-party email marketing services require you to display a privacy policy with every marketing email you send. We can help with writing these too.
If you don’t have a Privacy Policy, you can’t legally send out marketing emails.
Since your email marketing campaigns will be data-driven and use personal information obtained both directly and indirectly from your customers, you must mention your use of that personal data in a Privacy Policy.
You need to cover several things in this clause, they include:
- Identifying yourself clearly
- What data you collect
- How you collect data
- What processes you use data for
- Whether you involve any third parties
- How users can implement their rights and control
- What kind of security measures you use to protect their data
- Provide a unsubscribe button and describe their right to do so
By crafting an email marketing campaign, with our help. Setting up an automated newsletter of series will allow you to daily appear in your in customers’ inboxes with minimal work from your side. All you have to do is to get in touch with someone who’ll do the hard work for you. Chalk n’ Cheese is one of the leading email marketing companies, and it is our pleasure to partner with you to create an effective and meaningful email connection with your customers.
If used intelligently, email marketing can be both a profit-building and relationship-building tool. As a business owner, you should strive to use email strategies to build a warm and authentic relationship with your subscribers instead of spamming them with irrelevant junk mail. Providing your customers with valuable and useful information makes sure your potential customers do not hit the ‘unsubscribe’ button. Show them the worth you bring to their lives, even if it is just to entertain them with good content until your next pitch is ready. Email marketing has to benefit your customers, not just your business. They need to see the benefits of opening your emails and then clicking on the links that are in the emails, and then purchasing the product that was on the link that was in the email… (You get the idea) They have to know why they should! By keeping this golden rule in mind, your clients will not only read your emails regularly but also, they will look forward to hearing from you every time.
Talk to us about your next email marketing campaign!
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing, it’s no wonder it is still so popular. From complete email marketing strategies to sequential automated communications, here at Chalk n’ Cheese we create custom email templates to suit our clients’ needs. We personalise your communications and help grow your database, in order to build your brand’s reputation and sales. Whether you’re looking to put together a strong email marketing strategy for your e-commerce store, blog, software services, sponsorship service, or anything else under the sky – we can do it for you! Chalk n’ Cheese is a friendly, results-driven kiwi business ready to go above and beyond to help your business get where it needs to be.