get your products on google today

Are you looking for google shopping experts for your products?

When someone searches on google for a specific product, be it a specifically coloured bag or a type of kitchenware, you want your products to be the ones they see first, right? RIGHT. Google Shopping is the ingenious feature that allows you to immediately view pictures of products that match your searched criteria - right there on the results page alongside websites. It does not take a team of Google Shopping experts to know that images do a lot better than text when it comes to selling a product, but it does take a team of Google Shopping experts to put your products in front of customers - and even that might not be enough. It takes a really good team of Google Shopping specialists to get your products in front of the RIGHT customers. We don’t like to blow our own trumpets, but, we’re those kinds of specialists.

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And how does it know what to show to customers? Just like with websites using SEO tactics, when a customer types in a particular query for example, “black coat”, Google Shopping responds by showing product images that meet that criteria alongside applicable websites. This allows customers to click on a product they like the look of immediately, instead of having to go into a website and look. They can find what they are looking for right there on the Google search result page and see the price. Neat, right? So how does it work? When you list a product with Google Shopping, you choose descriptive words for that product. These product descriptions, if they match what the customer is searching for, greenlights your product image and link to be displayed on the search result page for them to consider purchasing. The more matches in the search query that match your product, the more likely the product will feature first. Paid advertising and sponsored adverts may influence some of the rankings of products in the search bar, but for the most part, the descriptive tags you’ve given your products allow customers to connect with them almost immediately. This way, only relevant items are shown to the customer, and they trust that they are getting what they are searching for. 


While Google Shopping has made it appear very easy to use to gain any many users as possible (naughty Google), the businesses that are getting the most traction out of their Google Shopping product ads have enlisted the help of Google Shopping Experts. These experts are experienced and skilled in the ways to navigate Google Shopping and rank their clients’ products first in the search results. Anyone using Google Shopping can list their products, but it takes savvy and CONSTANT management to keep them in a ranking spot where customers will actually find them. They say the first three websites listed on a google search engine result are the only three that get clicked on the majority of the time…the same goes for Google Shopping products; if you aren’t high enough on the ranking list, customers may find what they are looking for before they even see your product image.


If the above didn’t convince you, then the rules about how you describe your products might. There is a long list of guidelines about what you can and can’t and what you shouldn’t (but so many people do) write into their descriptive boxes. If you don’t use the right descriptive words, your products will not rank. If you use capital letters, unusual characters or other disapproved text, your product can be flagged as spam or untrustworthy, meaning customers are pretty unlikely to click on it (unless they are online daredevils – p.s there aren’t many of those around.) The use of HTML and text feed is coding, so managing your descriptive tags can be harder than it sounds. You can talk to our Google Shopping experts under no obligation to get an idea of how we can make this process easy for you and risk-free. If that doesn’t change your mind, we’ll admit it; nothing will!

Frequently asked questions

We are visual creatures as consumers. If you show a person two adverts for the same thing, one featuring a picture of the item and the other simply featuring text, they are more likely to click on the image. When you’re shopping for something tangible like clothing, accessories, gear, electronics, for example, seeing an image and a price straight off the bat is a much better way to engage the interest of the right customer. They will know almost right away if what you’re selling suits their immediate expectations. This is why Google Shopping adverts do so well, something our Google Shopping specialists are really good at implementing for our clients’ advantage. But first, you have to rank your products correctly. Use Google Shopping experts to boost your product’s potential on this platform and make your investment in the advert worth every penny. 

To grow your business and sell your products, you’re going to need to write your google shopping descriptions properly. While we can do this all for you, here are some of the best tips for creating optimised Google Shopping product descriptions include:

  • Being as accurate as possible. This is where a thesaurus can come in handy. You want to choose the most accurate descriptive words that capture what your product is, what it does and what it looks like, is made out of, etc. Writing a really accurate description means that when a customer searches for an item that matches yours, your product will be more likely to show up in response to their search query. If you’re describing your items slightly incorrectly, you’ll be missing out on sales and missing out on a lot of chances to grow your business revenue. You can hire Google Shopping specialists to handle all of this for you if that sounds tedious as heck. (It can be.)
  • Make sure you include all of the product’s best features and the features that make them stand out from their competitors. No point keeping their selling point a secret! Any expert google shopper will be frustrated with the lack of information and probably choose another provider.
  • Ensure that all the important stuff goes in the first 160-500 characters. While you can make descriptions much longer than this, users would have to click on it to see more details, so keep the main selling points easily visibly at the forefront.
  • Describe the shape, materials, patterns, textures – paint a picture in their head because that’s what they’ll be drawing upon from their own imaginations to search for the items. Google shopping is done best when you keep your customer in mind at all times.
  • Keep your descriptions well-formatted; this includes clean HTML tags for your data feed, italics, bulleted lists and more to really make it clear to the user what you’re trying to say about your product. Readability is everything.

That is really just the tiniest tip of the google shopping description iceberg. You can trust us to be the google shopping experts to help you truly optimise your descriptions and product listings to get them in front of customers. Why try to be your own google shopping specialist when we can take that job off your hands? 

Shopping google is easy for users and robust for sellers wanting to utilise the platform through google merchant accounts. Google Merchant is a universal online dashboard where all businesses selling through google can list and make changes to their online listings of products. Any good google shopping campaign makes use of google merchant because it makes it so ridiculously easy to upload your products, manage them, alter them and allow them to be displayed to a huge number of customers. You can create direct website funnels to drive traffic to your website and benefit from real online product reviews with Google Merchant’s all-encompassing services to let you sell your products through its platform. Good Google Shopping specialists, like ours, can help you navigate setting up both a Google Merchant and Google Adwords account so that you can start implementing effective Google Shopping campaigns. 

Google AdWords, also knows simply as Google Ads, is the online shopping campaign giant when it comes to advertising. Through Google Ads, you can run marketing campaigns to target certain demographics wherever you like to better target the right type of customers that are likely to buy your services and products. Google ads utilise keywords, regularly searched words and phrases that can better connect the right customers with the right services and products. If a customer searches “takeaways Sydney”, and your takeaway in Sydney doesn’t have this keyword in your website copy, you will be missing out on a huge chunk of potential sales as the customer doesn’t know you exist or how you relate to their search query (when you actually DO relate to this search). Having the right keywords present in your advertising or marketing campaigns means that the relevant people can find you when they are looking for you, meaning a higher conversion rate and the likelihood of a sale. This can apply to keywords referring to specific services, products, descriptive words, questions and more – all that can be organically answered by the keywords you choose to include in your website copy or product descriptions (as applicable with Google Shopping products).

Talk to us about your next google shopping campaign!

From setting up your google shopping account and making sure your products are described perfectly, to creating a management strategy that guarantees campaign performance, you’re going to need google shopping experts on the job. Pull ahead of your competition with organised, strategic marketing management and a conversion rate that is beyond your expectations. We know ads. We know Google Shopping. We’d love to get to know you and your business next.