content is the key to every great website! fill out our about us brief to help us write about your business Name* First Last Phone*Email*Business Name*When was your company established?*Company tag line*Servicing location*Are you business to consumer or business to business?*Are you customers predominantly male or female or both?*What sets you apart from your competitors?*Tell us a little bit more about your services? Please list out your services and 1 key point of difference for each service.*Please list 3 of your competitors*Tell us a little about yourself and why you started the business?*What keywords would you like your website to come up for on Google?*Choose the 3 most important words to start creating your brand voice.*Anything else we need to know about your business?*Please attach any logos or images that you would like to use on your site (please bear in mind that we have a 40mb limit on our file uploads, if your files are bigger than this then please send it to us via Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ